March 3, 2025

What Are 5 of Your preferred Errrthing products best now (Not necessarily Makeup)?

What are your 5 preferred “errrthing” products best now?

सबै कुरा; all the things of a group or class.
“he taught me errrthing I know”
synonyms: each item, each thing, errr single thing, the lot, the whole lot
antonyms: nuh’in

the present situation; life in general.
“how’s errrthing?”

At any type of provided moment, possibilities are something’s rocking my boat, like a huge life-sized Ryan Gosling body pillow, Charlie the rainbow pegasus, vegan thumbprint oatmeal cookies, etc., etc.


You understand exactly how it goes.

Here are five of my present preferred errrthing products best now.

1. Kerastase Spray À doorperson ($36 for a 150ml bottle)

Kerastase Spray À Porter
This week, in a shock to everybody (including myself), I’ve really had the motivation to, ya know, do something with my hair other than throw it into a bun as well as fugghetaboutit. So, out came the Kerastase Spray À Porter.


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

I hadn’t utilized it in a while as well as didn’t recognize exactly how low I was up until I was halfway with styling my mop yesterday as well as heard the nozzle go pffffft.


Good thing Karen from the past was forward-thinking sufficient to recognize that present timeline Karen would get into this situation, as well as for that reason kept a backup bottle in the hair products drawer.

Yeah, this stuff is the ISH. I understand I’ve most likely been gushing about it for a year, however it’s essentially a styling spray that does a bit bit of everything, as well as it does everything so well that you may not even need/want anything else.

It texturizes, volumizes, provides light hold (not as well crunchy), improves waves as well as lifts roots. You can even utilize it as a dry shampoo to take in oil in a pinch.

I don’t even understand why I keep trying other hair products with Kerastase Spray À doorperson around.

Oh, wait! — I do know. It’s called short-term charm memory, haha!

2. Cuisinart wise Stick 2-Speed Hand Blender ($59.95)

GURL, you understand my cooking typically falls somewhere in the spectrum between “questionably edible” as well as “downright gross,” however I’ve been trying to be much better lately as well as cut down on processed foods, as well as eat much more of the bountiful fruit of the loins of the earth…

My mother got me this Cuisinart Hand Blender for Christmas last year, as well as I youngster you not, I utilize it practically every freaking day.

I utilize it to make smoothies, beat eggs, purée soup, do my hair…

NO! Not that last one.

I likewise have a routine blender, however I don’t like carrying it out, as well as then having to clean it up as well as put it away again.

I know, very first world kitchen area Problems.

This hand blender, though, is so simple to store as well as clean, as well as it just works. I utilized it to make this Pink Power Detox Smoothie this morning, by the way, as well as it was BOMB.

I would’ve taken a photo of it but, as usual, I inhaled it as well quickly, haha! (the smoothie, not the blender)

3. MAC cream Colour Base in Hush ($21)

MAC cream Colour Base in Hush, $21
You understand exactly how you in some cases you squirrel away a product that you like in drawer, however then time passes as well as you not only fail to remember that you like it, however that it even exists?

That’s what occurred to this pan of MAC cream Colour Base in Hush.

Try not to be hypnotized by the restricted edition Pedro Lourenço packaging…because it’s likewise offered in the long-term line.

Hush, a frosty soft peach with icy shimmer
Anyway, Hush. This pearly peach cream highlighter (the finest one available now!) is one of those treasures that you don’t keep in mind exactly how much you like up until you discover it after it goes missing.

You can wear it on bare skin, on top of foundation, as well as even on top of powder. in some cases I utilize mine to blend out the edges of a shift shade on my eyes, as well as then I’ll pop a bit in the inner corners for dat luminous look.

If radiant skin is your #1 priority, get thee in yo’ life, ASAP.

4. adorable Sonix iphone situations (about $35 each at Nordstrom)

The Sonix iphone situation in Fuschia Bloom
El Hub got me this for Valentine’s Day, as well as it’s one of my preferred phone situations ever.

I believed it may be as well slippery at first, because it’s extremely smooth as well as practically slick, however it’s not. It feels comfy in my paw, as well as it’s simple sufficient to grip (haven’t dropped it yet, knocks on wood).

I saw on the Nordstrom site the other day that Sonix likewise has one with a pineapple design.


Don’t ask me why, however I’ve been irrationally consumed with pineapple prints lately. The obsession actually came out of nowhere,यद्यपि यो यहाँ छ, त्यसैले म यसको साथ रोलिंग गर्दैछु।

मलाई विश्वास छ म आज यो किन्न सक्छु यदि मैले मेरो to-गर्नको सूचीमा कुनै पनि सतहमा।

प्रेरणाको रूपमा किनमेल गर्दै, मेरो साथी। हरेक पटक काम गर्दछ।

Kate। केट कुदाई प्लेना फ्ल्यामिंगो बस्टियर एक टुक्रा पौडी खेली ($ 1))

फ्लेमिंगोस। खोल्नुभयो A. स्विमसेट।

यस केट स्पाडेड प्लेआ फ्ल्यान्टो स्विमिंगो स्विमसुटलाई औंल्याउन मारिसालाई भेट्न बाहिर निस्कीट गर्न पछि, पछि यसको विधिलाई मेरो वार्डरोब पछि भन्दा चाँडो पत्ता लगाउन आवश्यक छ।


साथै, राहेल r मा चिच्याल रि।, जसले मलाई यो हास्यास्पद फ्लिमिंगो कहानी बतायो जुन वास्तवमै मलाई 10 मिनेटको लागि क्र्याक गरियो!

हास्यास्पद फ्लिमिंगो सम्बन्धित अध्ययन: 10 बर्षसम्म, म अलि अर्को शहरको ओरेगन समुद्री किनारमा बसिरहेको थिएँ, साथै त्यहाँ आवास विकास थियो। यो जेठो दम्पतीले उनीहरूको आँगनमा एक दम्पती फ्ल्यामिंगो राख्यो। उन्नति परिषदहरूले तिनीहरूलाई हटायो। जहाँसम्म, चार्टरमा केहि पनि थिएन तपाईको घरलाई कुन रंगको बारेमा केहि पनि थिएन।

हो! तिनीहरूले चहकिलो फ्लेमि ing ्गो गुलाबीमा उनीहरूको सम्पूर्ण म्याक्समन्सनलाई चित्रित गरे, साथै फ्लेमि ing ्गो आकारको आकारको बत्तीहरू साथै उनीहरूको विन्डोजमा फोटोहरू पनि बनाए। परिषदले यसको बारेमा धिक्काती गर्न सकेन, या त। मैले तिनीहरूलाई व्यक्तिगत रूपमा बुझिन, यद्यपि ती मानिसहरू मेरा नायक थिए! त्यो घर 10 बर्षको लागि गुलाबी थियो। अन्तिम म यसरी बाहिर थिएँ, घर अझै गुलाबी थियो।

– राहेल आर

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय आकर्षण अडिग,


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